Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Raw Books & everything

Sol Jimena said...

"Hi Trev, I am visiting Canada and I want to buy a raw food book to take back to Mexico and maybe even translate. Wich one would you recommend me? I am considering The RAw Food Detox Diet but wanted to ask you about your personal and present preferences. Thank you for sharing!"

Hey Sol, (Sun :)! yeah to be honest most books are good. I would recommend you a book that has a lot of tropical fruits in it, (for the recipes) since being from Mexico you could definitely make use of that... The raw food detox diet is good.. i'd also recommend.. Raw Food/Real World: 100 Recipes to Get the Glow One of my favorites, easy to use :)

they're all pretty good. I don't like any recipes too too fancy personally, but really go with what makes sense to you ;) thanks.