Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wheatgrass Juice.

check it out..
from site.
excerpts from "The Wheatgrass Book" by Ann Wigmore

WHEATGRASS... Increases red blood cell count, lowers blood pressure...It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. It stimulates metabolism and bodily enzyme systems in enriching the blood by increasing red blood cell count, and in dilating the blood pathways throughout the body, reducing blood pressure.

Stimulates the thyroid, correcting obesity, indigestion, etc. The thyroid gland is also stimulated and normalized by the use of wheat grass juice - an important step toward the correction of obesity, indigestion and a host of other complaints.

Restores alkalinity to the blood...Wheatgrass has an alkalizing effect on the blood. Its abundance of alkaline min­erals helps reduce overacidity in the blood. It can be used to relieve many inter­nal pains. It has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to drink it...Ann Wigmore suggests drinking Wheatgrass juice in small amounts throughout the course of the day, always on an empty or nearly empty stomach. see the site :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

MY original Raw Food goals.

..as per 'Trev's Raw Food Manifesto'

.. nice to put something like this up on your wall,..

-why I LOVE RAW- :P

1. I Feel great, have amazing energy, my body is beginning to heal, detoxify and energize itself. I'm alkalized, I feel calm, and collected. Grounded and connected to the earth.

2. I love and respect this planet. I'm doing the best I can to heal and conserve. I enjoy the best nature ever, and the best raw foods ever.

3. My mind is great, amazing actually. I can think clearly, feel emotionally sound, and overall I am incredibly blissful and at peace. this is a sacred gift called life.

4. I honour and respect the life-force in me and in all living things. I am.


6. Exquisite and healthy raw food chef. trevor. bon appetite

Sprouts and Wheat Grass + Wup'date!


Wheat and Alfalfa Links:
A Very Excellent site http://www.alternative-healthzine.com/html/0500_2.html my highest recommendation, lots of great info. covers wheatgrass. also has a TON of links on the left side to alternative health information.

Also great from their, on Alfalfa! http://www.alternative-healthzine.com/html/0107_2.html
Easy reading summary of wheatgrass. http://www.flaxfood.com/wheatfood/wgrass.htm Another great site!

great site explaining how to grow wheatgrass http://www.saisanjeevini.org/wheat.htm

and finally... the great site on alfalfa [relating to Dr. John Christopher] that covers many things on alfalfa, including: the fact that it is high in protein,.. thanks.


Ok, here i can go into more detail as i know most of you won't follow up on my 'space' ;) lol

here it goes, I am now including a lot more information relating to overall 'health' that i find has PERSONALLY benefited me...

...these things will include a few topics in psychology, some new age humhah, and ofcourse affirmations.
"I feel better"
after eating cooked food for a week, and wanting to go back to raw, but giving into cravings and noticing alot of 'feelings' inside myself. I realized like other raw authors have said, that raw foods, detoxify all the parts of yourself. So uncomfortable feelings rise to the surface.

and thats why for my next, 'Vlog' on youtube i want to be covering a book i just have begun to read, called Primal Healing. You can find out about it, and hear some interviews etc. at www.primaltherapy.com its very interesting and covers a lot of topics, including why i like to 'overdose' on sugar :P or over eat alot of food, so it ties into the raw food diet and 'trevs raw food journey.' :) cya, ciao..

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

MSG, Sugar and Meet your meat

okay, "meet your meat" you can find if your really interested by going to google.com and searching "peta meet your meat"
Dr. Russell Blaylock, an expert on Excitotoxins, and a neurosurgeon, is the author o the book: Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.
"It is almost a cliche in this day and age for someone to ask the waiter at a Chinese restaurant 'no MSG, please,' as is the waiter's knowing smirk in response. MonoSodium Glutamate (MSG), or 'The essence of taste' (as coined by the Japanese), is used as a 'taste-enhancer' in nearly every form of processed food on the market today, though 'taste addiction' may be a more correct term. But what exactly does it do? And how is it harmful?

Dr. Russell L. Blaylock answers these questions and poses some startling evidence as to the eventual consequences of a heavy MSG-diet in his book _Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills_. In basic terms, MSG (and other, similar agents) pierces the blood-brain barrier and over-stimulates the neurons of a brain to a deadly degree. Habitual intake among animal experiments has shown the development of tumors, memory loss, and a whole host of neurodegenerative diseases as the end result of excess excitotoxin intake, including Alzhiemer's, Parkenson's, Lou Gerhig's etc.

Walk into any gas station in the United States (or grocery store, for that matter) and, upon close investigation, you will find that 75%-90% of the available food has been 'enhanced' to some degree by excitotoxins. The chemical agents are often disguised by such ambiguous terms as 'spice' and 'natural flavors' or, my personal favorite, 'hydrolyzed vegetable protein.' A consumer society must have consumer slaves to keep it functioning; MSG is the crack cocaine of the food industry...and it is legally perpetuated by slush-fund advocates and a pork-glutted FDA. As proven again and again, money talks, ... " -review from amazon.com

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A RETURN TO RAW by Chris Watts

Hey guys, i was looking for a good explanation, and introduction into what exactly are raw foods, and alas I found a excellent place describing this. Enjoy :)

"Living or Raw foods is not a movement, diet or fad, it transcends all these things. This is nourishment as nature intends it. No other creature on the planet heats it's food and until a few thousand years ago humankind did not either. Using fire to cook food is a technology and like some other technological "advances" it is not necessarily a step towards a better life. We began raw and I believe evolution will urge a return to raw. Lets think about life on this planet. Humans and their pets suffer from more diseases than any other species. Cancer is never observed in the wild, Neither is cirrhosis of the liver or rampant obesity for that matter. Observe wild creatures in their natural habitats (use the discovery channel) and then observe humans(at the mall, the airport or any busy place). See the difference? I don't just mean one has hair or scales and the other doesn't. I mean quality of health. People are sicker and more overweight than ever before." Continue Reading

My Journal RAW + Mission Statemet

Okay! My first post on here, On overview of what I'm doing..

So basically I want to survive and THRIVE on only raw foods.
Now i know this might be hard, as there are always obstacles (and thats what makes life interesting), but by having focused goals if your just starting out on raw foods, can really help you to stay on your goals and you can actually tell yourself that you know why it is what you're doing. You don't want to start a diet without deciding what you want to achieve first, and remember the sky's the limit!
I suggest writing out 10 goals of what you want to achieve, (by turning challenges into rewarding goals) and make that a part of your own 'mission statement" of what your mission and purpose is of achieving all your separate health/food goals.

Ok, so I'll give you an example from my own life...

Trev's Raw Food Goals
The first challenge I perceived was that there may NOT be all that much food to eat, and on raw foods it probably might not taste good. So luckily I decided I would have to try a lot of new raw things and make time (say every supper evening) to try a new raw recipe AND of course make sure I had all the ingredients one a day in advance.

Luckily youtube, my local library and the internet had a ton of recipes and resources on raw foods so i wasn't disappointed on all the possibilities that come from raw food.
I selected the ones I liked, then went through and bought the ingredients that I would need to make them with. It was a really easy process and if you just plan say to make 2 or 3 raw meals a day your health, (and life ;) get easier.

For breakfast, have fruit! ;) you can always have a melon, juice some apples, or even do a great smoothie shown on youtube.

Lunch, Salads good too.

Supper, Make some delicious raw gourmet cuisine~!

Ok so that all translates to:

1. The most important thing about going raw for 30 days...
I eat the most satisfying and delicious raw foods! EVER! Every single day of My life!
(that motivates me to get out of bed)

{action} choosing my favorite recipes ahead of time.

2. I constantly try new raw things and recipes, allowing me to be a master of delicious raw cuisine!

{action} choosing and getting ingredients for a new raw recipe every day. planning what I'm going to eat.

3. Empower individuals through my own experiance and knowledge o raw foods and nutrition, by sharing and making the information availible (through the internet) to be free and to be accessed by anyone.

{action} youtube, this website.

4. Promote raw food books and information, providing a ton of links to raw food sites with my reviews.

{action} do website reviews, post a ton of raw links on my website.

5. Learn to balance out my energy and maintain an optimal state of health.

{action} Start to notice how different foods effect me. try a variety of foods.Learn the right balance for veggies, fruit and nuts.

6. Have control over what i'm eating.

{action} self-discipline!!

Have a great day~ peace.